Cheers for Fears

Living archive

Living on My Own

The Living Archive grows with each Cheers for Fears event. Since its founding in 2013, Cheers for Fears has been creating free spaces for interdisciplinary exchange and calling into being various formats that serve artistic collaboration and are intended to enable joint thinking and working (on the most various) projects.

We, Jascha Sommer and Sina Schneller, would like to promote framework conditions of artistic thinking and doing far away from classical genre boundaries and to offer a forum to those who are professionalizing in the arts in NRW, who are looking for inspiration and new contacts for their artistic work or who are new to the state or the scene. We want to facilitate discursive and critical exchange and broaden horizons, and work together on an artistic ethic that goes beyond the competitive pressures of the scene and strained buzzwords. We want to bring together young artists*, thinkers*, activists* and institutions to advocate for solidarity and collaborative working practices.

The Mobile Akademie NRW program launched by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and funding from the Kunststiftung NRW made it possible to bundle and implement the various formats: