On Tour

Cheerstresen in der Oval Office Bar (2019)

A Cheers for Fears get-together took place on three dates in 2019 in the Oval Office Bar of Schauspiel Bochum. Sina and Jascha served beer and lemonade and talked to the participants about current issues and concerns. All institutionally bound and unbound students of life and the arts were invited.

1.2.2019 Cheers-Tresen at the Oval Office Bar of Schauspiel Bochum with Jens Eike Krüger.

5.4.2019 Cheers-Tresen at the Oval Office Bar of Schauspiel Bochum with a small concert by Viktoria Sigrid.

7.6.2019 Cheers-Tresen at the Oval Office Bar of Schauspiel Bochum with with a reading by Svenja Reiner.

The Cheers Stammtisch offers networking opportunities across institutional boundaries.