On Tour

Pop up #3 – Everything open? How permeable are event venues and training venues? (2013)

As part of the Physical Theatre Festival 2013

The third pop up of the Cheers for Fears university networking project took place on the opening day of the Physical Theatre Festival at Maschinenhaus Essen. Under the title “Everything open?”, the permeability of venues and training locations was addressed.

The following questions were in focus:

  • Are there formats in your house that involve students?
  • What is the training situation in the artistic field in your city?
  • What formats does your house have to offer that involve students?
  • How do you format student participation within a programme designed for profiling?
  • What does a house gain from a cooperation, what does the university gain?
  • How can an exchange / transfer between students and professional artists be established in the house?
  • And is that a primary goal of projects with students?
  • Do you see a responsibility for yourself primarily in the presentation of student projects or also in production?

The panel took place on 11 July at 17:000 in the Maschinenhaus Essen before the opening of the Physical Theatre Festival.