News from the independent scene

General assembly: Vollversammlung für das Schöne Leben

We are horrified. About the AfDization of the political landscape in Germany, the de facto suspension of the right of asylum in Europe and the increase in wars. About the systematic restriction of the contemporary to the benefit of conservative forces in the cultural field. That is why we are joining forces. To a general assembly for the preservation of a pluralistic, vibrant society and art and culture scene. The good life. We, artists and cultural workers, want come together to understand the dynamics that surround us and gather our concrete knowledge about ways of acting and organizing. Everyone everyone who lives for an open and just society is also invited. Over two days, we will discuss and work on concrete forms of action in workshops. Because: it’s urgent and the elections are just around the corner. There will also be good food and a good atmosphere. Let’s gather our strength!

*** The general assembly is a self-organized and informal event – all participants are also contributors! By joining forces, we want to create the most accessible, supportive and joyful time spaces possible. From accessibility to whisper translation to food intolerances – any information about support needs or care skills is helpful and welcome. Find out more when you register at this link! ***